Google Firebase
Google Firebase is a development platform that has little to desire. It offers a wide range of services out of the box. It is a great choice to build a web app that needs good persistence quickly.
We're using Firebase for a custom URL shortener that we built for a client. The web application is used internally by the client to provide short links to press releases.
We started out building the first version on top of Firebase Dynamic Links, which gave us a good starting point. We also didn't have to write a lot of code to get this done.
With the request for a new major version of the app, we came to the point where we've needed more control of the shortening process. We decided to switch from Dynamic Links to Firestore for version 2.0 of the URL shortener.
We've also used the platform's vast authentication and authorization features and successfully connected it to enterprise identity solutions. Other custom features we built on top included, i.e. the generation of QR codes for each link, as well as versioning for links. All that custom branded according to the client's guidelines so the app also visually integrates into their ecosystem.