About the Factorial Technology Radar
Tracking 57 technologies since 2015.
This website features the actual radar, a visual tool to show technologies that we're currently curious about and that we might want to further explore, possibly leading to company wide adoption.
It also features a library of technologies that we're already using as well as a record of the history of past explorations. Please note that the library does not cover all the technologies we use and is - to a certain degree - considered to be incomplete.
We use this tool to make ideas and decisions for adoption visible to all our colleagues. It reflects the opinions of our developers, designers and leads.
Whereas our main website tends to focus more on decision makers, the radar content is aimed at developers and designers. In bottom up fashion, the content comes directly from our teams and gives you a glimpse into our actual daily work.
There is a very low barrier and very little overhead to add a new technology for assessment. Only for company wide adoption, a more thorough process is in place.
We are inspired by ThoughtWorks andZalando, who have been creating their own radars for a while. The idea to use such a radar at Factorial goes back to 2020, when we first wanted to map out what technologies we use and why.
The radar consist of four quadrants that categorize the technologies. The fourrings of the chart represent the stages of adoption of the technology. The technologies themselves are socalled blibs in radar lingo.