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11ty Framework

Eleventy, often abbreviated as 11ty, is a static site generator (SSG) designed to simplify the process of building static websites. Developed using JavaScript, it is known for its flexibility and ease of use. 11ty doesn't impose a specific structure or template language, allowing developers to use their preferred tools and templates.

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We consider Eleventy our first choice for SSG. If a project involves a lot of dynamic stuff, SvelteKit or Nuxt may also be a choice.


At Factorial we use the Twig templating language in many places. For 11ty we developed a plugin that allows to use the templating language together with 11ty.

We use 11ty as the foundation of our Factorial Docs tool, that lets you quickly create a static documentation site based on Markdown files in your project. You can find Factorial Docs being used to render the Phabalicious Documentation.